Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ahh.. the weekend

Today has been a really good day :) And in fact, so far this weekend has been great. In general we have done nothing… really!

Yesterday I had my numerical analysis exam, which actually went really well I think! I was the first one finished and I felt like I was well prepared. After getting that out of the way I went out to lunch with a good friend at Bourbon and Toulousse (probably didn’t spell that right). It was delicious! Then I came home and sat on the couch and watched things on Hulu… like Modern Family, Community and the Bachelor. Guilty pleasures.

After that a few friends came over for a game night and we had a ton of fun. The night was laid back, and was absolutely perfect after the week that I have had.

Today has been like a Saturday that I feel like normal people have.. as in non-graduate student people. We woke up and had breakfast then did some much-needed cleaning around the house. After that some friends came over with their adorable baby boy. We hung out as he laughed his head off at Rooney and crawled on the floor. Then I made some chicken chili for all of us and we had a great lunch.

After lunch David and I started on our taxes… I washed dishes, looked for a new cell phone (mine is sooo messed up!), and then I got on my computer.

Last week I realized that Tumblr has like 200 themes that I never knew about! I got really excited when I found it out, so today, as you can probably tell, I did some work on our blog. It took quite some time to figure out how to get that picture at the top. The theme had an option to upload a picture, so first I made the collage in picnik (Melissa told me to do this part… she is so smart), then I tried to upload it. Long story short I ended up having to edit some of the html code… which was a bit scary! But I finally got it to be perfect, in my opinion, and I am kind of proud of it now.

Anyway, I hope you like it. And I hope this post wasn’t too boring. I just wanted to share how awesome this weekend has been so far. Now it is time for some homework… which sounds really lame on a Saturday night. But I am actually excited to get it out of the way so that tomorrow can be a real day of rest. Also, after we are finished with homework tonight David and I are going to watch Despicable Me, which we have heard is great.

So excited! Sometimes it is just the little things in life that bring me joy :) Like lazy weekends. Enjoy the rest of yours.

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