Friday, October 7, 2011

30 weeks!

Whoo hoo! I am in the 30's now. That means I am over 3/4 of the way through the pregnancy. And as the days go on I am not only getting more anxious to meet our little girl, but also to not be pregnant anymore. For a while I really was loving everything about being pregnant, and I am still enjoying many parts of it (like feeling her move!!), however I am generally uncomfortable and exhausted and it is getting old. I know I have a long time still, but it is now under 10 weeks (you know, plus or minus a bit). So exciting!
How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain: 17 pounds. I ate lots of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies this week... I did but I don't think that is the (only) reason I gained the weight :)

Updates on baby: (Thanks so BabyCenter): Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.

Maternity Clothes: Yep, most of the time. Although the cute top I am wearing in these pics isn't. Now that it is fall and mostly cool I can wear some of my old hoodies and sweaters which is really nice. Also, I can wear leggings! I wear them every day that I don't have to teach. 

 Symptoms/Body Changes: As I alluded to above, things aren't going so great physically. My nausea has come back again. Since I am still on my medication it isn't debilitating and I am not getting sick but I have waves of nausea multiple times a day which make me stop whatever I am doing for a few minutes. I am also uncomfortable: it hurts my feet and legs to stand for too long, it hurts my tailbone to sit for too long, it hurts my back to lay down for too long (including when I try to sleep at night) and my ribs get pretty sore by the end of the day. Baby girl is just so big!! I mean, big to be carrying around in my stomach all day everyday.
I know that I have lots more growing to do, so I try to stay as active as I can now because I know that this will help me to stay mobile and as comfortable as possible for the next 10 weeks. I don't sleep well at night even with lots of pillows and I think that the lack of sleep and the general fatigue is the hardest part to deal with since I am in school. My brain just doesn't work very well when I am tired! And exhaustion along with hormones is a bad combination when doing working on problems which can be frustrating at times. But I had my first midterm of the semester today and it actually went really well... so I guess I am doing alright! 
Hm.. other symptoms are the occasional headaches, limbs/appendages which fall asleep randomly, and different skin and hair. Also, my belly button is going to pop out any day :)

Exercise: On Monday I walked 4 miles, Tuesday 3 miles, and Wednesday and Thursday I studied non-stop for my exam. This afternoon I plan to do some pilates and lift some weights. Hopefully I can get back to the gym a couple times next week when my school isn't as crazy. I really have to listen to my body each day to know what I can do. Some days I feel pretty good and I try to get a good workout in on these days. But other days I just need a nap and put my feet up and I have found that working out on these days just makes me feel worse.

Movement: She never stops! Some of her kicks have gotten more painful lately, especially when they are quick and hit my ribs. My favorite is when she rolls around... it literally moves my whole belly! It is really cool looking. I also love that I can now feel where she is sitting in my stomach and sometimes I can tell that it is her head or bottom, or something smaller like an elbow or a knee. 
Cravings/Aversions: I am mostly feeling indifferent to food lately, although last night I had a milkshake from Chick-Fil-A and it was awesome! I drink lots of water and eat a lot of fruit, and most days I have to make myself get some protein since meat doesn't sound that appealing. Desserts do sound good to me a lot of the time, and I let myself eat them in moderation but I know they don't give our baby the nutrition she needs so I try to be good.

Things we have done to get ready for baby: This is a new one because we are getting to the point where we have to start getting a few things ready. This past weekend we set up the pack and play, which was so fun! We have completed a childbirth birth class which was amazing, and we have started looking into things like health insurance which is always a little stressful. But it is so exciting to plan and look forward to our little girl being here and it makes it so much more real.

What I miss: SLEEEEEEEEEP!!!! I will be missing it for a while... bummer.

What I am looking forward to: A baby shower this weekend, yay! I am also looking forward to all things fall. David and I are planning on getting out to an orchard soon and maybe if I feel well on a Saturday we will go hike at the Gorge! I am also looking forward to eating/baking pumpkin things. Our Kroger doesn't have canned pumpkin yet but when they get it the pumpkin bread and oatmeal consumption will begin.

I hope that you have a fantastic weekend! Thanks for continuing to follow me through this journey :)

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