Saturday, July 9, 2011

17 weeks

Another weekly update! The weeks this summer are just flying by. I am so glad that I am making myself keep up with all of these details and updates because I can definitely see how easy it would be to forget all of the little happenings.

How far along? 17 weeks

Updates on baby:  (Thanks to BabyCenter) Your baby’s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she’s around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

Maternity Clothes? Not yet but I am starting to kind of want some. It is becoming a bit difficult to find things to wear each day. Mainly I think that I am starting to feel more self conscious because there is definitely a belly there but I don’t feel that it is obvious that it is a baby belly yet.

Sleep?  Yes please… I can fall asleep anytime, anywhere and I still can’t get enough. I have started to try to train myself to lay on my side instead of my back and I am starting to sleep with pillows between my legs or against my back.

Eating: Finally an improvement on this front! I finally feel like I have my old appetite back. I don’t have to be as strict about eating every 2 1/2 hours anymore which is just more convenient although I still eat 2 small snacks between breakfast and lunch (usually fruit and a granola bar) and another piece of fruit between lunch and dinner.  When I sit down to have a meal I can finally eat the amount that I used to and lately after I eat I feel comfortable rather than awful. In the past two days food has sounded good instead of just ok. I am so excited and I really hope this continues to get better!

Exercise: We are SO BUSY!! So, this has been a challenge. I am still walking really regularly and Rooney won’t let me lose this habit but the weight lifting just hasn’t been happening. 

Movement? YES!!!! I have been feeling it move lately and it is so amazing. I have only felt Baby H. move while I am sitting or laying still… I haven’t been caught off guard yet. But when I feel it at first and then pay attention baby will keep on moving for a few minutes. I love, love, love feeling our baby move! It is incredible.

Food cravings? Fruit please… oranges, peaches, melon, berries, pineapple, grapes. And ice cream.

Food aversions? Spicy stuff. Anything with cilantro or cumin is gross to me (so tacos are out), but eating meat in general has become a bit easier.

What I miss: My brain… I have some serious pregnancy brain going on and doing math research full time only amplifies how big of a ditz I am sometimes. I read about “pregnancy brain” this past week and it isn’t a myth. I was glad to hear that I am not crazy. Hormones, as it turns out, affect everything including brain function! I have been forgetful and not able to focus as well lately. And in particular reading mathematics has been much more difficult this past week. Hopefully these hormones will chill out before the fall semester starts.

What I am looking forward to:  Feeling baby move more. I just can’t wait for that little confirmation that everything is going perfectly, and the reminder that all that my body is going through is so, so worth it.

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