Sunday, December 11, 2011

Excited and Distracted

I have an exam in 13 hours and I am so nervous about it... it is in the infamous Topology class that I gripe about all the time and in so many ways I am not prepared. I am trying to trust at this point that the 20+ hours a week that I put in throughout the semester on the homework assignments will have prepared me for the cumulative final because when I look back over all that we have done it is so overwhelming!

It doesn't help that I am also terribly distracted. This weekend has been so weird and even though my semester has been challenging and pushed me to my limits I am thankful that I have stayed so busy because now that an end to this pregnancy is in sight and I have a few moments to think about it I am so anxious and impatient! Mostly, I am just excited. I find myself daydreaming about seeing Lydia for the first time. What will she look like? Will she have hair? How will it feel to hold her?

On Friday I had my 39 week check-up and I was surprised to find out that I had actually made some labor progress... I am 1 cm dilated! Not that that really means much, or anything, because lots of women can be 1 cm for weeks.. months even. But I hadn't really been feeling contractions or anything so it was just nice to find out that my body has been preparing for this whole labor thing even if it is just a bit. However, since finding this out I am all of the sudden ready to have this baby girl! Also, since then I have definitely felt a few contractions, a few have even awoken me during the night, but nothing has been too strong or stayed regular. There have been a few other signs of early labor too, but all of them are not suitable to write about for the world to hear :) I love that is is coming so soon, but all of the sudden this weekend it all became so real and now it is difficult to focus on much else.

So that is where I am... sitting, waiting, trying to convince myself that compactness in Hausdorff spaces is really important to think about right now (and clearly failing since I am typing this out). Maybe clearing my mind a bit though will help me focus.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! I officially feel like a ticking time bomb, but in a really, really good way.

1 comment:

  1. You're probably feeling contractions because they did an exam on you! Those exams are not very necessary..I started feeling the fake contractions after the one exam they did on me, and that was the last time they checked me.

    On another note.. exccciiitttinngggggggg!!!!!!

    Katie G.
