Sunday, November 13, 2011

35 weeks... this is getting seriously close.

This past week was crazy... I had my master's exam Tuesday which went well but it definitely added some stress and work to my already crazy schedule. And this coming week, well, I don't even want to think about it. These will definitely be the hardest 14 days of the semester, but I guess next Monday it will all be over so I just have to stick it out until then! With all of the math, teaching, research and writing the weeks continue to fly by but each day is starting to feel very long and overwhelming. I just feel so... pregnant. Which I am, so it makes sense. Enough blabbering and onto the facts of week 35!

How far along? 35 weeks

Updates on baby: (Thanks to BabyCenter) Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Labor Signs: Not unless you count my huge belly that keeps on getting bigger!!! I had some Braxton Hicks contractions a few weeks ago and they feel so weird, but I haven't had any this past week. Here is to hoping the real contractions hold off :)

Symptoms/Body changes: I am just very big and tired. I have been sleeping a lot better which is so nice and I think that it is just because I am so exhausted by the end of the day. I wake up really sore and stiff each morning but after using a heating pad for a bit I feel better. Swelling has become an issue this past week. I can't wear my wedding ring any more and I have noticed that my feet and ankles tend to swell more easily also. As long as I change positions often I don't get too uncomfortable, but any long period of sitting, standing, walking or laying down leads to some not pleasant consequences.

Exercise: Nope.. hasn't happened. Yesterday I walked 3 miles and this evening I walked between 2 and 2.5. I guess I did pilates once this week too, so it hasn't been a complete fail. After a long day at school and standing to teach for an hour and a half I just have to lay down when I get home. It used to be that after resting for a bit and then getting a good dinner I would take a walk with Rooney, but with the time change happening it is dark so early! Motivation to go the gym at this point is pretty much zero, so either I walk during the day or do pilates at night. I feel good about what I have been able to do up until this point and I think over these last few weeks I will just continue to listen to my body and do my best.

Movement: She is supposed to start slowing down but it is definitely not happening yet! Her movements are so big now and they can be painful at times. I still love it, but I do have to say that the kicks were a little bit more enjoyable when they did hurt my ribs and bladder so much.

Cravings/Aversions: I continue to love sweet things and anything dairy!

Getting ready for baby: Since we had our last baby shower last weekend we did quite a few things to prepare for our little girl this weekend. It is so fun, but also so crazy to know that she will be here so soon. This week a good friend of mine came over one evening and helped me to sort out our clothes into sizes. I put the "bigger" (3+ months) clothes in a box to store away for now and then sorted the newborn and 0-3 month stuff into the hand-me-downs (so thankful for these!) which have already been washed and the new stuff which I will wash over Thanksgiving break. On Saturday night David and I took a trip to Walmart and BabiesRUs to get some essentials for me for the hospital bag, as well as to fill in any gaps in baby gear which we would need immediately (like burp cloths, a baby bath and a humidifier). We still have some things that would be nice to have eventually but with Christmas happening so soon after our little one is born we decided that we would wait to get anything that we could until later.

What I miss: Being able to sit and stand for as long as I want. I feel very high maintenance lately!

What I am looking forward to: Just for this week to be over. We might be touring the hospital this Tuesday, which is something to look forward to... but I am really stressed and I know that once I get the proctoring, grading and midterm out of the way I will feel better.

Let's compare pictures again! That was fun last week :) Here are weeks 15, 25 and 35.

Well, off to do Topology and some laundry.

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