Monday, June 20, 2011

14 Weeks!

This past Thursday marked the beginning of my 14th week which means the beginning of my second trimester. It is sooo crazy to think that I am already a 3rd of the way through! Most of the time I will try to do these updates on Thursdays, but last week I started doing research for 9 hours every day, so I was tired to say the least.

Here goes the update!

How far along? 14 weeks

Updates on baby: Baby is the size of a lemon this week! That sounds so big to me. Its face is forming lots of different expressions and he can grasp with its hands and maybe even suck its thumb. Baby is even starting to grow hair everywhere.

Total weight gained? I am still a few pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight as far as I can tell but various scales are always different. However, I feel bigger each day.

Maternity Clothes? Not officially, but today I wore my Bella Band for the first time with my skinny jeans. In case you don’t know, a Bella Band is just this tube-top shaped piece of spandex that goes over jeans that you may no longer be able to button and holds them up as well as provides some support for your belly. You can look at one here. Although I didn’t quite need it yet it is definitely becoming less comfortable to wear anything tight around my waist so I just thought I would try it. I loved it! I mean, if you have an excuse to wear an elastic waist, why not?

Sleep? I am sleeping well and I actually can’t get enough of it lately. Even though fatigue is supposed to get better in the second trimester I have definitely been more tired lately. I bet a lot of it has to do with starting to work full time but I think if I let myself I would sleep at least 9 hours a night and take an hour nap each day.

Eating: I am still not close to eating normally, but I am trying to continue to broaden the range of what I eat. Mostly I am annoyingly picky. Packing lunch for work has become difficult because it used to be that I could pack something the night before and just eat it the next day. But now, what I pack in the morning may sound gross to me by noon. One adjustment that David and I have had to make is some more room in our budget for me to eat the things that sound good when I am hungry. My body is just less predictable in short, and it is hard to get used to.

Exercise: I walk every day but I wasn’t as good this past week about incorporating weight lifting into my new full-time job schedule. I hope to get a routine down this week. 

Movement? Not yet. But I have been having various stomach pains and little cramps. Nothing to be nervous about from what I have heard from other people but I will definitely be asking the doctor about it at my appointment on Thursday.

Food cravings? Cantaloupe! I eat it all the time and in kind of large amounts. Everyone says I am lucky to be craving fruit, but I am afraid of what will happen when melon is no longer $2.50 at Kroger.

Food aversions? I still haven’t eaten any yogurt, but I just got a few at the store tonight to try. I can’t cook chicken.. YUCK!

What I miss: Staying up past 9:30 at night… seriously, every evening I crash at about 8:30 or 9 every night. I have to lay down and chill out or I start to feel sick and get chills. I think my body just gets really tired by the end of the day but I feel very lame going to bed before 10 most nights. I guess I should get used to it though :)

What I am looking forward to: My 15 week appointment this Thursday! David and I get to meet my doctor finally and it is just always so fun to hear the heartbeat and see the little bean (or I guess lemon) moving around in there.

That is all for now… in a few days I will give you another update. By the way, I figured out how to use tags. So, here is how it works. At the bottom of this post there are words: pregnancy and weekly updates. If you click on weekly updates, for example, it will take you to all of the other weekly update posts. I will start to use these more often because they are pretty awesome.

Have a wonderful Monday night!

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