Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My awesome little brother

This weekend David and I went up to NKY for another baby shower (more on that later). We tried to keep Saturday nice and relaxing… we had lunch with my parents, did a little homework, I got to shop with my best friend Meagan, and then David and I spent the evening with my little brother while my parents hung out with some friends.

I love my little brother. He has been a blessing from the beginning! He was born when I was 14 so we don’t have the typical brother-sister relationship. I would say that David and I are more like a really close aunt and uncle to him. We love the time that we get to spend with him and just hang out and talk. So, here are a couple cute stories about my brother as of late:

On his first day of school they played 2 truths and a lie to get to know each other. Josh’s two truths:

1) I have two sisters and a brother (he calls David his brother all the time!)

2) My sister is going to have a baby (he tells everyone that will listen that I am preggo. Even though he wishes I were having a boy I think he is really excited to be an uncle!!)

His lie was that he has an Xbox. I think he probably won that game.

This past weekend we took him to Skyline for dinner (if you have never had it, you have to come to the Cincinnati area and try it!). David asked him what his dream job would be if he had to pick it right now. He started off by saying he would really like to be a pilot, but then as we kept on trying to get him to spill his real dreams it came out that he wants to be an actor. You could just hear the uncertainty in his voice when he expressed to us that this is what he really wants to do because like all of us Larsens, my little brother tends to be hard on himself. He started saying how he would never be able to be on TV because he just isn’t talented enough. David and I being the wonderful siblings that we are (and wanting to practice good parenting now!) started to explain to him that anything that you really want to do, you can! You just have to work really hard, sacrifice other things and stay focused on your goal. He listened and thought for a minute. Then he said, “So if I worked really hard, do you think one day I could work at Game Stop?”. It was hard to keep a straight face… but we both did and we assured him that if he wanted it bad enough we were sure that he would be capable of working at a video game store.

Hanging out with Josh makes me even more excited about our baby on the way! Children are just so amazing… innocent, smart, creative. I think the way in which they see the world is incredible and I am always feel that as adults we can learn so much from them.

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