Monday, September 19, 2011

27 Weeks... Goodbye Second Trimester

This past weekend my family and I went to Pittsburgh for a Steelers game (a post on that coming soon!). It was awesome.! However, this week is craziness… seriously I have like a million things to do, and the weekend was exciting but busy. So even though I am closer to 28 weeks at this point than I am to 27 weeks I still wanted to do an update. I have lots of catching up to do on the blog and I hope those posts will be coming soon!

How far along? 27 weeks.

Total Weight Gain: Still right at 15 pounds.

Updates on baby: (Thanks so BabyCenter) This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She’s sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby’s brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don’t bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

**I totally felt the baby hiccups!!! Friday morning I believe it was. So cool!

Maternity Clothes: Yes, they are pretty much a must at this point. I was excited that most of my Steelers stuff still fit me this past weekend, and to be honest a lot of my stuff still fits, as in I can get it on my body. But maternity clothes are just waaaay more comfortable and flattering. I loved this cute burgundy dress!

Symptoms/Body Changes: To be honest, this was a hard week. I just didn’t feel good in general. My aches in my back and sides were really annoying and I definitely felt mild cramping every day. Nothing to be worried about… I just feel like everything is so tight! Like my belly just needs to grow a little more so that I can have room to breathe, and some space for my ribs, and for my food. However, having space for food wasn’t a big deal this week because my appetite kind of disappeared again. Nothing ever sounded good to eat and I would find myself not realizing I was hungry until my stomach started to rumble. The heartburn was present but I finally got some Tums, so those help. My fatigue has also returned with a vengance… just in time for school I guess. It just wasn’t as great of a week physically… hopefully it is just a phase!

Exercise: This was HARD this week since I didn’t feel well most of the time. I got out and walked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each about 2 miles. On Thursday I pushed harder and walked 3 1/2 miles on an incline. It took 50 minutes and every single minute was difficult. However, I was never in pain so I just pushed through and then did some weights afterward and I think that it helped give me a little bit more energy. Again, hopefully the whole no-energy or appetite thing will go away soon!

Movement: Last Saturday our little stinker hurt me by kicking me so hard! She seriously moves all the time… I know I always say this but it is true! And lately she has been sitting right in the middle of my belly, below my belly button and right under my ribs. sometimes she will kind of bear down on one particular place causing lots of pressure but most of the time the kicks are still enjoyable and adorable. Also, as I mentioned before, I think I felt her hiccups on Friday morning. I was laying in bed really still just kind of waking up and I felt a small rhythmic pulse that lasted for a few minutes. It was so cool!! Her movements make the aches, pains and fatigue all worth it.

Cravings: Just sleep!

Aversions: No strong aversions… just a general apathy toward all food.

What I miss: Feeling great!!! I had a few weeks of feeling so awesome; almost back to my old self. But I really hope that I will feel well again soon and that maybe this is just a growing phase when a lot is happening in that tummy of mine.

What I am looking forward to: The past 3 weekends of traveling have truly been wonderful. David and I have enjoyed all of the time that we have gotten to spend with family and friends. But we are SO looking forward to a quiet weekend in Lexington. As I mentioned earlier, I have approximately 8 billion things to do this week (homework, proctor a calculus exam, grade said calculus exams, figure out what classes I want to teach next semester, work on my Master’s talk, etc.) so I am really excited about coming home on Friday night and doing nothing. And then getting up on Saturday morning and doing things like laundry, clean my bathroom, write thank you notes. And then getting up on Sunday morning and going to church and then doing nothing but watch football and maybe cook a really good meal. Sometimes you just crave to be home…. and that is what I want right now.

But now I must go and start on the to-do list of the 8 billion things. Or possibly go to bed since I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. Check back soon for the 28 weeks update and hopefully lots of other catch-up posts! I have so much to tell you about :)

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