Saturday, August 13, 2011

Week 22, at the beach!

Alas, I am no longer at the beach. We just finished the 12 hour car ride a little bit ago and I am settling in for bed. I couldn’t take myself away from the waves and sun to type an update on Thursday this past week, but late is better than never!

How far along? 22 weeks.

Updates on Baby:

(Thanks to BabyCenter, except I changed all the “his”s to “her”s and “he”s to “she”s!!)

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she’s even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you’d be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she’ll sport until she adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Maternity Clothes? Still not sporting any officially although I am hoping to get some hand-me-downs from family members soon. This week at the beach I sported a few of my old bikinis. I was definitely more comfortable in them than I would have been 4 weeks ago in South Carolina since my belly looks more clearly baby related lately :) I definitely need to evaluate my clothes situation as the school year starts since I have to look somewhat professional and put together to teach my Calculus students!

Eating: I am continuing to get better and better on this front. I have more days when I feel like my old self again. The one thing that has been a bit difficult lately is that if I eat a large amount at one time (or what used to be a normal amount for me), my belly literally feels way to full… like my sides, ribs and back start to hurt a bit. I don’t think that this is completely food related because I get these pains at other times too. But eating a larger amount definitely doesn’t help. Thus, I am still eating healthy snacks throughout the day since my belly can’t hold much at one time.

Sleep: Still going great! I am so thankful that sleeping has been a relief from all pregnancy symptoms so far. Even when I was terribly sick, if I could fall asleep then I would be fine. I am sleeping through the nights every night and I don’t feel the strong need for anymore afternoon naps, but I still try to get off my feet for a bit around 5 or so.

Exercise: I just love how active my vacations made me this year! Since I am less comfortable being hot when pregnant, laying out wasn’t really an option for me on vacations this year. Instead this past week I did a ton of fun and active things! I walked a lot along the Destin sidewalks and on the beach. I also did lots of swimming and wave-jumping and even got to play a little tennis. I have to be honest… a few times David had to stop me from riding some of the waves in on my tummy. Obviously that wouldn’t have been a great idea but I just love the ocean and waves! All in all, I didn’t spend anytime at the gym this week but I felt very good about my level of activity.

Movement: She is still dancing around in there like crazy! This past week my mom and brother both got to feel her kick which was really awesome. This is by far my favorite part of being preggo.

Cravings: This past week I ate way too much ice cream… I usually eat lots of ice cream on vacation though so it probably wasn’t because I am pregnant. In general fruit is still my go-to snack because it always tastes good. And I drink LOTS of water every day.

Aversions: Nothing has really grossed me out this week! I really am getting a lot better on this front. I am still picky about meat but this week I was able to get at least 1 serving in a day.

What I miss: The long car ride today definitely made me miss having a “normal” body. I know I have mentioned before that sitting for long amounts of time tends to put a strain on my back and this week my sides and ribs also started to get some aches too. Also, long car rides are a bit difficult when you have the bladder of a pregnant woman. I just miss being low maintenance I guess…

What I am looking forward to: I have a doctor appointment this Friday! It is so crazy that it is already here again. These past 4 weeks have truly flown by. I am excited to see how much weight I have gained, hear our precious girl’s heartbeat and talk the ultrasound details over with the doctor.

Now it is time for bed!! David, myself and our baby girl wish you a goodnight.

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