Thursday, August 4, 2011


It is so crazy that yet another week has passed by. When I look back on this week, a lot has happened and I feel like I have a had a huge change in perspective. Everything is SO much more real now. Last Friday we got to see our baby move again, we found out that we will be having a daughter, and since then her tumbles and kicks in my belly have allowed David to feel her move too! My belly feels larger and larger each day… but in a lot of ways I am starting to feel really good about my body again because I look more obviously pregnant and less pudgy :)

We also got to have a calm weekend (which David and I realized Sunday we don’t have nearly enough of) and thus we could nest a bit. We cleaned out our second bedroom which functions as an office and boxed up books to make room for Baby H’s new dresser that our friends are making for us. We also rearranged our bedroom to make room for the rocking chair and the pack and play that we hope to get for our little girl to sleep in.

Here is what our bedroom looks like now!

It is definitely going to be a bit cramped. We live in an adorable apartment in the upstairs of an old house, and although it has lots of fun character it also has tiny rooms. But, I know that it will be fine for the few months that we are here with the new baby and in a way I am looking forward to having her in our room with us.

All in all I feel so much more connected to our baby than I did a week ago. I think that it has finally hit me that I am pregnant… that we are having a baby… and that it is going to happen before the end of this year! I am so excited and happy and nervous, and tons of other things. But mostly I feel so blessed and reflecting on everything I am so sure that the timing is perfect.

Now for the details in the weekly update!

(Sorry about the horribly picture quality. My hubby got held up at work and I can’t figure out for the life of me how to take pictures with a mirror).

How far along? 21 weeks

Updates on baby:  (Thanks to BabyCenter) Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she’s practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby’s eyebrows and lids are present now, and with her developing taste buds she can taste what you eat when she swallows the amniotic fluid.

Maternity Clothes? It has been SO HOT here lately, so I have been kind of uncomfortable in any clothes that I am wearing. I definitely feel like I am in a growth spurt lately and sometimes it is frustrating that my clothes just keep getting tighter and tighter. I am trying to become more comfortable with wearing things that show off my baby bump rather than hide it because it is honestly becoming hard to conceal!

Sleep?  Still going very well. I am perfectly comfortable on my back, but I try to fall asleep on my side most nights.

Eating: My appetite is good but I am noticing lately that I can’t eat very much in one sitting. I felt this way 5-ish weeks ago but then it seemed to get better. I know that everything inside of me is changing all the time so I am sure that it will continue to fluctuate as my pregnancy progresses. I know that it is good to feel full fast, but it can be a bit inconvenient, especially when we eat out since leftovers are never as good. I am still taking my nausea medicine regularly, and I will continue to do so until my job is finished and we are back from vacation. I have a week in between vacation and school when I am planning on trying to go a few days without the meds and see if the nausea is gone for good.

Exercise: I finally feel like I have my pre-pregnancy strength back! It has obviously taken a while to recover from being so sick at first but this past week I have felt wonderful while exercising. I have to admit that it can be hard to keep up the motivation to exercise when my body just keeps getting larger no matter what I do, but I have actually embraced this opportunity to view the purpose of exercise in a completely pure way. I want to continue to build up my endurance and to remain strong simply because I know that it is good for me and for my baby. This past week I walked 4 miles (quickly) on 3 separate occasions and I have lifted weights 3 times as well as worked my legs and abs using floor exercises. I always feel better after working out and I am convinced that it gives me more energy! 

Movement? She is moving like crazy and it is just the best thing in the world! She has kind of gotten on a schedule lately and it has been so fun to learn it and feel connected with her in that way. In the mornings she usually tumbles around in my belly for about 2 hours. It really just feel like she is doing somersaults. I don’t feel her much from about 10-2, but after lunch she starts to randomly nudge me lightly. After work I come home and try to lay down for about 30 minutes and she always takes this opportunity to toss and kick a little bit, and then at night when I lay down in bed is when she really goes at it! Some of her kicks have been so big lately and it is so wonderful to share these moments with David and with her. He puts his hand on my tummy and we talk to her  as we feel her move together… easily my favorite time of every day. The ultrasound tech on Friday said that she moves a lot and I am so excited to have an active little one! I know that soon I will be feeling every little movement and I really can’t wait. 

Cravings? Ice water. Air conditioning. Chocolate chip zucchini cookies.

Food aversions? I am getting less picky which is really nice! I haven’t noticed any new aversions and I am slowly trying to eat eggs, yogurt and cheese again.

What I miss: Feeling small. I am just used to being a pretty small person and lately I have just felt obviously bigger. I can’t always squeeze through small places, climb from the back seat to the front seat of a car, or stand up easily from sitting on the floor, for example. It is strange because I still have my body and I feel like I should be able to do the things I have always been able to do but I am just proportioned so differently now! It just takes some getting used to for sure. 

What I am looking forward to: Vacation in Florida with my side of the family!! We leave Sunday and I am so pumped. It will be great to experience the beach and vacation with our baby girl yet still get to lay out on the beach for hours and sleep as long as we want. I am definitely grateful for this last baby-free vacation!

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