Thursday, July 14, 2011

The size of a bell pepper! Week 18.

Happy Thursday everyone! It means I am another week along in my pregnancy. It is so crazy to me that I am about 5 months pregnant already… how has this gone by so fast? Well, here it goes.

How far along? 18 weeks

Updates on baby:  (Thanks to BabyCenter) Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He’s busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you’ll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they’re still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he’s born. If you’re having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you’re having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

Here is a picture of what the baby looks like this week :)

Maternity Clothes? Nope… still just sporting my belly band and wearing skirts with elastic waists and dresses a lot. I am definitely starting to feel like I look more pregnant but I still haven’t had any strangers ask when I am due.

Sleep?  Sleep may be my biggest pregnancy craving thus far.

Eating: This area has been ok this past week. We were on vacation for the vast majority of the week with David’s side of the family and it just made me realize again how picky I still am. At home I have gotten used to keeping the things around that I like to eat, and once those things weren’t readily available nothing else really sounded good. We made a few grocery runs ourselves to stock up on the granola bars, cereal and fruit that I like but in the past I was able to eat whatever other people were eating and this time it was definitely not the case. Also, I was bummed because lobster and shrimp didn’t sit to well with me. However, my appetite is continuing to increase so that is good.

Exercise: I got lots of exercise on vacation and it felt so awesome. I walked a lot on the beach, swam in the pool and ocean (it feels SO GOOD to be in the water!) and I played some pool volleyball as well. Currently on David’s side of the family there are 3 babies under the age of 8 months so I got arm workouts by holding the little ones a lot.

Movement? I am still feeling baby move here and there and it is still the most amazing feeling in the world. I LOVE it! I can’t describe how amazing and wonderful it is to feel another living being moving inside. It puts a smile on my face everytime… which causes for some awkward moments when I randomly smile while my research professor talks about compositions and simplicial cones.

Food cravings? I am loving my morning coffee more than usual lately and I still want all of the ice water, fruit and ice cream that I can get my hands on. Sometime I wonder if I am craving these things because I am pregnant or simply because it is summer.

Food aversions? Cooking meat and then eating it still isn’t a possibility, and apparently little Harrison doesn’t like seafood either. I stick with pretty bland things the vast majority of the time.

What I miss: This past week there were definitely a few times that I missed wearing my bikini. I bought a few tankinis for this summer because I figured that I wouldn’t be pregnant enough by the time we went on vacation for it to be obvious that I wasn’t just pudgy. Even though I think it is great that other women can wear bikinis when they are pregnant, I am just not one of them. I am not worried about gaining weight, however it is definitely difficult to cope with my growing body simply because it has never changed this much in such a short period of time. I have a baby belly, but I am definitely softening up in other areas too, so the tankini is the perfect solution for me this summer. However, they are not as comfortable as a bikini when you are on the beach! 

What I am looking forward to:  David and I plan on registering this weekend which I am very excited about! I know that we will keep updating the registry online but it will be fun to get it started at least.

That is all for now. I hope to post about my vacation soon, so be sure to check that out. Now it is time to walk my cute puppy which we got a year ago today! He was sooo cute.

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